Friday, October 26, 2018

Week 7 Full Time

Oh, week 7! What a wonderful week it has been. I would rate this week a 5! I was able to achieve some things that I didn't think was possible. I accomplished passing EdTPA this week and having my fourth observation. I learned that the students in my class really respond well to having a new student come into their class. We did a couple team building activities which really helped this new student feel a part of our classroom family. I will continue to plan for specific times for students to share about themselves in order to build their classroom community. My sort term effort is to record more video and take more pictures to include in my video. My long term goal is to graduate! I could have spent more time finding enriching activities for my students this week. I was a little apprehensive when I went to my new school after school which caused me to be more reserved and not ask as many questions as I probably should have. For next week, I can have all my lessons and enriching activities ready to go so that students will be successful, and I will, too.

This week we analyzed student test data in math which has helped us plan our next week's instruction.

Standard 1: I was able to meet with other 4th grade teachers throughout Gaston county and talk with them about technology resources that we could use in upcoming curriculum.
Standard 2: In morning meeting we greeting one another in another language and created more of a nurturing and warm environment in morning meeting.
Standard 3: I was able to integrate global awareness into our science by showing students a map that "pinned" fossils around the world.
Standard 4: Students had to think critically about how they could make a square or a rectangle with an area of 12.
Standard 5: I was able to adapt instruction on Tuesday based on information given to me on Monday.

This week I was able to add more video and pictures to my library for my portfolio presentation. I was also able to link some of my things in livebinder! We have a few questions about end of the year forms which I will ask the next time I see my University Supervisor. 


  1. Mallory, I am so proud of you for passing edTPA! It was definitely a struggle, but worth it now that it’s over and was done well! I am glad that your students were so welcoming to the new student, and you were able to include some teambuilding activities and check off some of those standards lol! Have a great week!

  2. Great job with edTPA results! I am very proud of you!
    I am sure your students are loving the fossil study and the way you integrated global awareness.
    Keep up the good work and finish strong!

  3. Mallory, I am so glad we all passed edTPA because I know we all had a lot of tears shed over it. That is awesome you are using team building activities in your classroom so your students have a sense of community. Keep up the good work!
