Friday, October 26, 2018

Week 7 Full Time

Oh, week 7! What a wonderful week it has been. I would rate this week a 5! I was able to achieve some things that I didn't think was possible. I accomplished passing EdTPA this week and having my fourth observation. I learned that the students in my class really respond well to having a new student come into their class. We did a couple team building activities which really helped this new student feel a part of our classroom family. I will continue to plan for specific times for students to share about themselves in order to build their classroom community. My sort term effort is to record more video and take more pictures to include in my video. My long term goal is to graduate! I could have spent more time finding enriching activities for my students this week. I was a little apprehensive when I went to my new school after school which caused me to be more reserved and not ask as many questions as I probably should have. For next week, I can have all my lessons and enriching activities ready to go so that students will be successful, and I will, too.

This week we analyzed student test data in math which has helped us plan our next week's instruction.

Standard 1: I was able to meet with other 4th grade teachers throughout Gaston county and talk with them about technology resources that we could use in upcoming curriculum.
Standard 2: In morning meeting we greeting one another in another language and created more of a nurturing and warm environment in morning meeting.
Standard 3: I was able to integrate global awareness into our science by showing students a map that "pinned" fossils around the world.
Standard 4: Students had to think critically about how they could make a square or a rectangle with an area of 12.
Standard 5: I was able to adapt instruction on Tuesday based on information given to me on Monday.

This week I was able to add more video and pictures to my library for my portfolio presentation. I was also able to link some of my things in livebinder! We have a few questions about end of the year forms which I will ask the next time I see my University Supervisor. 

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Week 6 Full Time

Overall, this week has been an okay week. I would say it was a 4. I was pleasantly surprised that I was offered a job this week. The principal contacted me and asked me to come in for an interview. This week, I learned that I can connect with students by remembering and asking about important parts of their lives that they have shared with me. This has been a successful week for building relationships. My short term goal is to write lesson plans that are differentiated well so that students are learning on their level. My long term goal is to pass student teaching and graduate. I could have spent more time planning with my grade level team, but we did not have very much time to do so this week. I was apprehensive about my job interview, but it turned out well. Next week, I can get all my lesson plans written by this Friday so that I am set up for success.

This week, I analyzed last weeks math small group data and differentiated this weeks groups so that students are able to better able to understand the material. I also analyzed their IREADY scores from their check in.

North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards
Standard 1b: This week I demonstrated leadership in my school by working at McTeachers night!
Standard 2 E: This week I discussed with a parent ways to help their student in vocabulary. This has been a conversation that will alleviate some stress to the student.
Standard 3c: This week I integrated literacy into content!
Standard 4b: This week I was able to meet some diverse needs in my classroom by asking students to draw comics with their vocabulary words. Some students struggle with words and adding these pictures was helpful to them.
Standard 5b:This week I participated in another PD to learn how to set up the classroom and tailor instruction and assessment to students with autism.

This week, I was able to take more video and pictures for my portfolio. I was also able to work on my website this week. I am trying to figure out exactly when I can complete my observations for the 5 after 10 week observations. I only have 3 Mondays that are available in the afternoon so I am trying to figure out when to do my other two observations in order to avoid missing class time. I also would like to know if I am allowed to go to other schools during this Monday time.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Week 5 Full Time- Halfway full time

Overall this week was a 4.5 out of 5. I had an awesome learning week with my kids, but the week just got cut short. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I got done with these two teacher workdays. I am going to require more out of my students because they are capable of a lot more. They have proven this to me this week. My short term goal is to get my lesson plan binder filled with more tabs so that I am able to make proficient on my observations. My long term goal is to graduate student teaching, so my two goals are aligned. I could have spent more time with my students this week focusing on how to grow them, but we were very rushed for time with only a 3 day week. I am looking forward to more conferences with students next week. I wasn't apprehensive this week. Next week, I will make sure I have all of my lesson plan outlines printed on Sunday so that I am ready for the week. This week, I gave an assessment in math which I analyzed to make small groups for next week.

Standard 1b: This week I examined my school improvement plan and discussed ways that I have contributed with my CE and will continue to do so as the semester progresses.
Standard 2e: I collaborated with our EC specialist to help plan one of my students access the curriculum.
Standard 3c: This week I taught global awareness in social studies by talking with students about different types of government around the world.
Standard 4d: This week we integrated a green screen video so that students could utilize technology in their learning.
Standard 5a:  This week, I gave an assessment in math which I analyzed to make small groups for next week.

I have started to complete portions of my portfolio such as my PDP, website, and videos for my portfolio presentation. I don't need any support at this time.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Week 4 Full Time

Hello, all! I would rate this week as a 4! There were a couple rough times this week. My husband's
grandmother was hospitalized with symptoms of a stroke. Another thing that made this week mighty
difficult was turning in EdTPA. I had no time to work on plans because I was constantly writing or
checking over my EdTPA. I was pleasantly surprised this week that my second observation went well.
Thursday was a very hard day for my students. They were all very talkative and did not focus well.
Next week on Thursday will be parent teacher conferences, so I won't get the chance to implement 
my strategy, but I will for the following Thursday. My plan is to have independent morning work, a calm
morning meeting, and have them reflect on how we can have a focused day. My short term goal is to get
all of my parents signed up for parent teacher conferences next week. This aligns with my long term goals
of being able to build those relationships with parents and students. I couldn't have spent more time doing anything
but EdTPA this week because it was due. I am so glad that is over with. I was apprehensive about calling a parent to talk
with them about their child's behavior since it was the first "negative" phone call I have had to make this far. I called
and it went well. For next week, I want to have all of my parent teacher conference stuff ready on Wednesday so that
I will know everything is ready.

This week, we analyzed our math data in order to place them in groups for next week. After seeing their math scores
on their assessments, we have decided to switch groups and help them with targeted instruction in the area for which
they most need help.

Standard 1a: This week I was able to empower a student to do his best in math by giving him the opportunity to teach
his peers about his strategy for math.
Standard 2e: I called the parent of a student who is frequently a behavior problem in my room and the conversation
went really well.
Standard 3d: This week we had a morning meeting about how to have accountability in our lives for our actions.
Standard 4d: This weeks students worked on a hyperdoc for fossils in order to integrate more technology tools in our
Standard 5a:By analyzing the student learning from their math scores on their assessment and modifying my plan for
next week, I am showing this skill.

This week I did not complete any more portfolio pieces because I was busy with EdTPA. I don't need any additional
support at this time.