Friday, September 28, 2018

Week 3 Full Time

Hello, all!

This week was quite a challenging one for me. I had a lot going on in my personal life which made it very hard to focus on school. This week my laptop broke, I wasn't able to use my laptop for my EdTPA video editing, and my sweet grandmother was hospitalized with silent pneumonia. I was not 100% for my kids this week because of all this. I would rate my week as a 3.5. I was pleasantly surprised that my students were able to use math vocabulary in their replies to my questions this week. We talked about data, and my students were using their vocabulary such as outlier and clump of data to make general statements about the data. This week I learned that no matter what is going on in your personal life, school must go on! My short term goal is to accomplish EdTPA, and this aligns with my long term goal of being able to graduate from GWU. I honestly had to spend a lot of time awat from my computer this week because it was broken and because my family needed me. I could have spent more time doing lesson plans earlier in the week, but I find this hard when plans change often throughout the week at school causing the next weeks plans to vary and become irrelevant. This week I had a student approach me with a rash on his arm. I didn't quite know what to do since our nurse was not on site. I asked my CE what she would do, and she helped me figure out the situation. I haven't really had to deal with many medical situations like rashes, so I was unsure of the procedure for this. For next week, I need to complete all my lesson plans AND lesson plan outlines so that I will have them both printed and ready to go at the beginning of the week. I always have my lesson plans, but I typically print my outlines the night before. I want to do this so that I can have one less thing to worry about during the week.

I was able to analyze their IREADY data in our PLC in order to help us make groups and decide which students needed to be pulled for interventions.

Standard 1a: This week, I was able to take the online portion of the CPI training. This is going to help me establish a safe and orderly environment by applying the learning from this training.
Standard 2d: This week, I went to a PD for differentiation for students with autism. I currently do not have any students with an autism diagnosis, but I will save this information for the future. This will help me differentiate for my students with autism.
Standard 3d: Our students participated in their second bank deposit this week after getting their first payday. They also had to pay rent for their desks. By doing this, they are learning 21st-century skills.
Standard 4b: After conferencing with my CE, and one of my students personal one- on- ones, we decided that one of our students needed more individualized instruction because he is not able to understand our fourth grade material, yet! He will use content on his level with his one on one.
Standard 5a: Throughout this week, I have been watching my EdTPA video and reviewing my teaching and my teaching practices.

Portfolio & Support:
This week I was able to update my PD log because I was able to attend a PD on teaching learners with Autism. I do not need any support from my supervisor at this time.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Blog Week 3

Hello, everyone!

I have felt much better this week with my full time experience. I would rate my experience as a 4.5! I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to learn that I can be trained with my fellow staff members for Non -Violent Crisis Intervention Training. In my experience of full time teaching this week, I have learned so much about both my students and myself. I am going to build on the knowledge of how to correct student behavior in a positive manor giving feedback in such a way that I can help students realize that they should model their behavior like others who are doing things correctly. My short term goal this week is to get my EdTPA task two written. This is aligned of my ling term goal of finishing student teaching because this is a part of my requirements for student teaching. This week, I was very busy. I worked a lot on EdTPA and school related things for my students and it prevented me from keeping up with my one subject lesson set a day schedule. I could have spent more time during the week doing lesson plans, however; this week was mainly dedicated to EdTPA. I still sometimes look to my clinical educator for plans for curriculum which has affected what I am teaching in my classroom. I know there is not a lot I can do about this because the curriculum is pretty straightforward as far as what I am allowed to teach and when. As of right now, I am just trying to get through EdTPA. Once, I am done with EdTPA there will be a lot of mental clutter cleared.

Data Dive: 
During PLC this week, we did a data dive into our IREADY scores. This was beneficial because it gave us an idea of what our students are struggling with and how we can best help them. During this time, we worked to make small groups for our math small groups. 

Standard 1b: This week, I was actively participating and discussing differentiation and data during my PLC with our instructional facilitator and principal. 

Standard 2d: This week in my instruction during data and line plots, I varied my teaching so that my student with physical and mental delays would be able to participate. Instead of strictly using paper and pencil to do this activity, I instructed students to make a line plot with themselves. 

Standard 3a: This week I Integrated literacy into my math standards when students had to read a graph, data, and  information and graph it. They also had to explain and write about it. 

Standard 4e: Students had to think critically during our math this week about how to read two sets of data, graph them on the same graph, and then talk about it. 

Standard 5a: Throughout this week in our meetings together, my CE and I looked at our students learning and work to modify and change learning strategies to best fit their needs.

During this week, I have updated my PDP, professional development log, and my meeting log for pull out teachers. My clinical educator doesn't need any support as of right now. I don't have any further questions.

Hope that you all have had a blessed week!

Friday, September 7, 2018

"TWO" much too say- Week Two

Hello, all!

Hope you all have had a wonderful second week in your classrooms. I know I have learned a lot in this week about classroom management and working with my kids to attain a common goal.
I would rate this week a 4. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know my kids, but I also felt tired. I was up late a lot during the week working on my lesson plans. I learned that I need to be firm with my students and direct when giving instructions. During one of my reading lessons, I received several questions about what they were supposed to do during independent reading time after I had given them an assignment. From this, I learned that I need to be very specific about the instructions that I give to my students whenever I send them off to complete a task independently. My short term goal is to complete learn more about MCLASS and how to help my transitional third grade students. In order to accomplish this, I will meet with my grade level to discuss ideas and strategies for supporting those students. My long term goal is to complete student teaching! I could have spent more time with my teammates discussing our data. Next week we will have a PLC for an hour which will allow us to discuss more data for our students. I was a little apprehensive this week of my time because I did not want to go over my lesson time and into Mrs. Wells's time. This may have made me miss some opportunities for those light bulb moments, but next week this won't be the case. For next week, the first logical step is to print any and all needed handouts for the next week. This will help me in preparation, so I know that I have exactly what I need.

This week I analyzed my data for EDTPA. I used a preassessment for their inferencing skills. I was able to also analyze math data with my CE. She was able to conference me and talk about the next steps that she would recommend for each student. 

North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards 
  • Standard 1: I participated in "College Colors Day" I was able to encourage students not only encourage students to graduate high school, but also I was able to encourage them to go to college! Of course, I represented GWU! Go DAWGS! 
  • Standard 2: We started to read "Locomotion" this week. This is a culturally relevant book that counteracts stereotypes and encourages mutual respect for all people. This is also a book that gives students the opportunity to think about race in a safe space. 
  • Standard 3: I integrated literacy in my planning this week to my science article. This was intentional in order to enhance student learning. The more that my students are able to read non-fiction text they will be better equipped for not only the EOG, but most importantly life. 
  • Standard 4a: I have a student who has a 1 on 1 helper that stays with him all day. I conferenced with his one on one in order to have a better understanding of how to help this student. In order to help him learn his best, he will be given the choice to either join us on the carpet or sit at his desk. For this individual, giving him that option was the best thing intellectually for him. 
  • Standard 5a: This week I was able to conference with my CE about student data. We looked over the math data in order to discuss next steps for our students. 

I have set up my livebinder this week for my portfolio. This is still very much a work in progress and will be until the end of the semester, but it was an action that could be completed in this busy week. I don't have any questions for my university supervisor and neither does my CE.