Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Blog 7: EDUC 350

Hey, friends!

It is great to be here with you again on the blog! This week in EDUC 350, we had some very good conversation concerning laws and policies. We also had a guest speaker, Dr. Mitcham on Wednesday. While I had most definitely heard of MTSS, I had never had someone talk to me about it on an in-depth basis. One of the topics that I learned a lot about during this time was that MTSS: Multi-Tiered Prevention System is an umbrella for all the intervention that is done for supporting students. I knew that differentiation, IEPs 504s, PLCs, and so much more went into getting students were they need to be. One thing I did not know is that no student leaves the Tier 1 level of classroom instruction. Even if students need Tier 2 or Tier 3 intervention, they still need Tier one core work, too! Being responsive to the needs of students and advocating for those needs through law and policies falls under the NCPTS Standard 1:D:Teachers advocate for schools and students. I want to be knowledgeable in all the ways that I can for my future students so that I can be the booming voice where they are hoarse. Knowing about MTSS and other RTI strategies can make the difference in a positive or negative student outcome. In my future classroom, I will be responsive to the needs of my students, hopefully catching problems early, and staffing my students with the resources and people they need to succeed.

For my outside research, I looked for some classroom management tips. I found this website. It was a wonderful read, and I encourage you to bookmark it for a later time. The first point about managing your classroom is to create your classroom environment. This is a topic that we have talked heavily about in EDUC 350. I feel more prepared now than I ever have to create a positive and inclusive classroom environment.

I will sign off with a quote of positivity:

I make you stand firm in Christ. I have anointed you, set my seal of ownership on you, and put my Spirit in your heart as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. I love to do far beyond all power, which is working in you- even when you don't realize it.
Your God of Victory
Based on:
2 Corinthians 1:21-22 Ephesians 3:20


  1. I love the quote that you left us with! I agree, I had definitely heard and knew about MTSS but never in the detail we talked about in class today. It was a great change of pace having a guest speaker. I feel like we all benefitted a lot and learned a lot from todays class and I cannot wait to continue this journey with everyone!

  2. I loved the website that you included about classroom management! I especially enjoyed the part that included "accentuate the positive." This is just as important in the classroom as all of the legal matters. Students are not going to learn if we do not make learning fun and make them feel as if they are doing something right. Choosing to accentuate the positive attributes to not only their well-being but their learning experience as well.

  3. Mallory!!
    I really love your quote at the end. It is something that really resonated with me. I also really liked the part when you discussed how all students no matter what tier you are in still get the same core classroom instruction! I did not know about that until this discussion! Something to definitely remember.
